What are the odds of these 5 paragraphs effecting an overthrow of world order - then again, who’d have thought I may be amongst the last of human generations? Even in the darkest heyday of nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), people clung to the insane notion of surviving a nuclear holocaust. Today there is a sickness inside the human soul, like fruit dying on the vine, or Leonard Cohen’s “heart without a home.” The running dogs of the all powerful are so far removed from the charnel floor they cannot see that the noble human desire to survive which had been harnessed and capitalized on to defeat the Nazis of the planet and her tyrants throughout history has now withered like some exotic cactus suffering climate change. The blindness that comes from ruling by keyboard also informs the hubris of the invulnerable, so what had been a “perfect storm” of technological advances coupled with a deliberate or random spike in fear due to the 9/11 carnage has now facilitated an industry of hatred on a scale unimaginable to any despot ever. Yet like the training of gladiators must have seemed like a good idea at the time to some, that same martial genie is hard to get back in the bottle once uncorked whether it’s used for killing Christians in the Coliseum, or funding militias for seizing the public domain.
As the Roman Empire collapsed into the cultural warren of middle ages, our planet enjoyed a wide cross-pollination of methods for human cooperation and advancement from the trading influence of the nomad, to advances in crop yields from farming clusters. However, as populations expanded war became coin of the realm for defining national boundaries, as well as anointing and normalizing the ruling class for rapidly shifting city-state/nation-states. Those elite individuals or entities able to consistently pick victors no longer required nations for cultural identity, only banks to quarantine profit. The ability to dictate the outcome of conflicts and eventually determine the nature of those conflicts eliminated the need for any semblance of democracy and only maintains the spectacle of royal pageantry and illusion of public scrutiny as straw dogs and quaint appendages from that long gone age of consensus; absolute prerogative has been conveyed to the ruling class using the digital sleight-of-hand. It is at this point in history we rest - an apex between doom and heroism. Conflicts today are no more than a cycle of depletion and renewal which provide little or no security but occupy populations in a superheated state of “fight or flight” from either invaders from without or enemies from within. There is no longer discussion for the cessation of hostilities, only the shifting tally of who is vulnerable to whom. We the population of the world have been abandoned by leadership and set upon by corporate overlords whose positions reflect no more than access to either revenue streams, food, fuel or materiel, and of course fortified enclaves wherein they will witness the cataclysms of their amoral ambitions
The means of production which had been the prime objective of the communist insurrection is now completely subordinated to the emerging media technology for dictating consumer addictions to a quiescent population in thrall and rapidly loosing its inherent capacity for reason to a narrowing spectrum of digital distraction. No longer honing its faculty for critical thinking through innovation from the rigors of survival, the general population is enticed, cajoled or menaced into hysteria and back into quiet by the chimera of state security any threat to which is also used as explication of deteriorating conditions and scarcity of resources. Conditions will continue to decay and the options for those born into privilege and advantage will exert more control using greater force over the world population which has already been successfully persuaded that their enemies are the same screen objects conjured up by the corporate media narrative (ai. Using this very loose framework 1,565 human beings have become the only billionaires on a planet occupied by 8 billion+ human beings (2.57-e7, .00000257% of the population)- stark testimony to the pernicious lie of war and our lax hold on any capacity for recognizing friend, much less foe.
It is no longer reasonable to fight for g_d and country when the enemies are some number of the 1,565 billionaires and whatever private armies these petite princes have purchased for protection and anonymity. Of the arguments in favor of worldwide revolution near the top of the list would have to be digital reciprocity, e.g. the right to focus the digital lens both ways. If the technology is so useful and those wielding it have that much confidence in the benign nature of enhanced scrutiny, let these same leaders accede to reciprocal scrutiny. This concept evolves from a precept for rule of law - consent of the governed. We have long since passed the point where the lax concept of secrecy shrouding pre-digital decision making can continue. If anything, the level of rapacious larceny engendered by the powerful algorithms that define so much in our daily lives demands a reciprocal capacity for the viewed to peer back up the food chain at who is peering so as to ask "what the fuck do you want and why don’t you just ask?"
We are now at Frank Zappa’s “crux of the biscuit” - why revolt? Short a literary Deus ex Machina, our planet will soon be visited by carnage the likes of which are unknown to our species. This mass die-off will run from the slow withering of generations to complete genocides; reported or not. There is no demonstrated willingness by the wealthiest and most powerful to act based on fundamental concepts of human decency; rather today’s leadership is content to ransack the commons and assign themselves 1st class seats for the spectacle, up to and including apocalyptic flavored entertainment for the masses - bedtime stories to calm panic that chickens in our food cycle may experience as their beaks are amputated and they are boiled alive in one of our food factories coming soon to reality television. If we are destined for extinction, and if there is a margin of habitable world left occupied by cogent determined people applying themselves to a worthy future, there I will go to work for the greater good rather than pay an iota to Empire Coliseum Inc. to watch my brothers and sisters, fowl or otherwise slaughtering each other at Mammon’s command.
(foto veracity note: the Robin Hood shown is Errol Flynn, an identified Nazi sympathizer)- so much for liberal media bias ·
(foto veracity note: the Robin Hood shown is Errol Flynn, an identified Nazi sympathizer)- so much for liberal media bias ·
(˚ ㄥ _˚)
4 July 2014
prohibited from AI sampling in any form
reprinted with permission; all rights reserved