I now sit in the hometown of a personal hero, Paul Cezanne; one could even say I reside here, for I’ve signed a contract and paid monies for a domicile; however, you may not send me a letter; there are no cheques with my address; no utility bills; alimony payments or community associations claiming my responsibilities. My handlers at the NSA have access to every bank transaction I’ve made in the past 12 months, though not every expenditure, or why. Any skank with middling hacking skills has access to my email, but my phone is turned off and I’ve not figured out how to place a phone call from a pay phone - everyone here speaks French, or tries to. If every man’s home is his castle, mine would be under siege, or I’m not home. 5 Minutes ago I had no idea how much Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong had influenced my life - writers who wrote the song “Papa was a Rolling Stone” for the Temptation’s which powerfully established an image in my mind at a very young age of what might be coming - a romanticized “white bread” version of actual reality for far too many, but a vivid image nonetheless. It was more than synchronicity by which my divorced father-of-four became the horrific reflection of all male disfunction during the sisterhood-is-powerful epoch of the late 20th century - an epoch which brought us the 77% pay ratio, twerking and the much beloved shill for Monsanto the corporate-sponsored presidential annointee - Hillary Rodham Clinton; while in the meantime from another personal hero - William Shakespeare author of Hamlet, the still apt expression “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
Whether it is coincidence or synchronicity that of my many homes, one was on Hamlet St, or whether having another street address at Figueroa St for that same home diluted any synchronicity and augmented the coincidence or only augmented and confirmed Master Shakespeare’s prescience about betrayal, my last wife sold my castle out from under me - (IJDK) I just don’t know. I do know - after that illuminating experience wherever I lay my hat is my home, try as I might to conjure hearth and home. So what the fuck is home? I get the part about formative and am at peace with my people and my parents - grateful for them even, very grateful - especially the more I'm in the world which includes my propeller-blade ex. Earlier in my saga, a tender young heart had embroidered for me a pillow long since hugged to dust which read “Houses are made of Brick and Stone, Homes are made of Love Alone,” that she married another tender young heart less than 3 years later is not the point; that I love Paul Cezanne for his integrity and courage is - bourgeoise son of a banker or no; g_d in her tender mercies bestowed upon me a brother of my own who shares birthdays with Mssr “C,” and although my sibling confuses autonony with some fantasy of having reign over what I say, IJDK; I do know love is a choice; I choose to love my brother, his mother and all of her children - including myself, because that’s how I roll - like a rolling stone.
In my last post card to ma, I wrote “not sure if I belong here or anywhere, or everywhere.” It does make all things more possible if it is love and contentment which you unpack, be that an airport bathroom or some pseudo art patron’s pool house (actual patrons having expired with the Medici Family). The origins of art as talismans protecting and aiding a community’s wellbeing supported by the tribe’s patrons has been usurped by the same commodification of mother earth as with Warren Buffett twisting the ideal of home ownership by being the largest holder of mobile home mortgages. Capitalism is the science of making the lowest common denominator pay which is why art and capitalism are mutually exclusive - the delusion of modern artists believing themselves outsiders rather than harlequins need only research the corporate funded fine art scholarship surrounding Jean-Michel Basquiat. Yet still within me the creative sits as close to my core as any other wholesome inclination I possess, so what of this semi-autonomous region of self I drag across the planet seeking a dwelling place to call home or atelier depending on which pretty French woman I’m trying to impress. The advantages of having a dwelling were explained by metaphor of “setting down roots.” The word Dwelling itself a misnomer of the Old English dwellan to seduce, get lost; related to Old Saxon bidwellan to prevent, Old Norse dvelja to delay tarry or stay, Old High German twellen to prevent - each expression describing the interruption one’s way in one manner or another - pick your poison, so to speak.
Lao Tzu defines the excellence of a residence by its “suitability.” Bringing us full circle to purpose instead of possession for good reasons why to live anywhere. Like any really creative corporate whore, I live to make art, so you’d think somewhere with lots of artists would be logical - maybe LA with its adrenalin junkies scribbling wannabe proletariat esoterica upon wannabe corporate esoterica - either too passé or not passé enough; IJDK, I do know if the “writers” hate any harder, they is gonna hurt themselves; Paris, maybe as a hotbed for creative growth? I was just there and I’m sad to say how oh-so-orthodox scribble has been anointed to haute culture, but there it sits in the City of Lights; not just sits but displayed prominently right there on Champs Elysees, a golf swing from Arc de Triomphe, emblazoned on the Peugot dealership - Oh the Humanity. ! ; I was weak-kneed for much different reasons than you might imagine - think laughter rather than weeping; kinda gives très chic a whole new slant don’t it? I’ve even lived on an island made of marble in the Philippines attempting my own esthetic Arcadia but found the pernicious and largely anglo patronage of Sex Tourism just sucked the suitability right out that plan. Despair not intrepid reader, for not to be funny or anything, Woody Allen did say 90% of life is just showing up, and what Bob Dylan shared about “my bell still rings” still rings true for me; so again I ask you, if there is no place like home as Glenda so kindly pointed out, where is it here on this rock encrusted molten core hurtling through space that is not exactly like every other place on this too soon to be “formerly homo sapien inhabited” planet; I want to go there I’ve been told it’s home - on good authority . . .
But I’ve been told many things in my lifetime, “I love you;” “leave” of course my personal Trump favorite “you’re fired.” Darling Glenda, have you lied to me? before you answer, remember one can lie once, twice - some their whole lives and still be believed, but as the Vaudevillian Heirloom once said “you can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time. IJDK - I do know I’d rather be fooled than be fooling; I also know that I want peace, good food, and love - any love; it matters not whether it’s hard:soft, smooth:rough, long:short, right:wrong - it just has to be real. Maybe that’s what Frank Baum meant for Glenda to say instead of “home” - “There’s no place like ‘love’;” maybe he’d been on the phone to Frank Capra and was a little confused. Dig this ! What if the human heart is all the home we ever get or were meant to have; once the ticker starts keeping time the only way any of this phantasmagoria will make sense is when the heart is in love, because love is where the heart came from and hopefully, love is where the heart will go? What if all the yearning and capitalizing and hating are just convoluted efforts to get back to the heart - not dwelling in one’s own empty orchestra, but the dancing to; the following of one’s heart - listening carefully to all the contending ideas and discordant feelings of a dying world struggling to dethrone and distract what your heart is telling you - what Leonard Cohen has described by “blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and overturned the order of the soul.” What if from these exertions we learn there is no single location on the planet that is home, but all places are home - stretching logic a little further, is it possible there could actually be rapture in our lifetime at that precise instant our beloved but immovable Gaia and the irresistible force of the clearly male-flavored and long-anticipated Mr. Singularity simultaneously discover each other; and the Vulcan mind-meld which was not entertainment at all but the instrument of our next step for spiritual evolution resulting in a love-inspired, however long-abated, and not entirely welcomed but no longer anonymous incineration torching our carbon rich atmosphere from what is still today the mythical spontaneous combustion? don’t laugh - this sound reasoning describes abiogenesis - something we may need to know more about if and when we kill all life in our home . planet earth . . IJDK . . .