One of my brothers had a birthday this week; i greeted him electronically as cordially as i know how - he’s made no reply. This morning a door was closed and non-responsive where i volunteer; nonetheless, (how did that ever get to be a word)¿ a second gallery i where i also volunteer, gave me the shuffle-off-to-buffalo. Perhaps once again, my “good terms” do not align with other’s definitions: brothers in art, in family, in fill-in-the-blank _____________, seems to be an elusive concept for me. How to remain open-hearted is more important than confronting a situation that is not at the core of my purpose. Am i being transparently ironical to essay one of the more famously flawed relations in our collective culture? I am always confused about which is useful between essay and fiction; useful in the sense of providing some illumination along this long dark way we travel to our end. I have been profoundly affected within many fantasies from my apparently inexhaustible “willing suspension of disbelief”; yet, however vividly i may conjure Dune’s Vladimir Harkonnen, or am repulsed by the oily Gilbert Osmond in Henry James' Portrait of a Lady, i do not live in those worlds, but do 'channel' the challenges of those character's, lives. I have a brother who 'blew off' a cordial greeting like lint; and gallery owners who have no discernible interest in my life’s work. Somehow inflating the travails of people i know, and interactions i have, feels more useful than the anonymity which virtual immersion might more bluntly provide. Nor is it cut-and-dry; a one-size fits all solution; this one, or the other, a universe of binary solutions, a fictional contrivance into which i seem so often attempting to contort. One of the most fantastical stories i’ve ever known is being written by the same brother about whom i complain; his world is comprised of very positive community activities, including the herculean task of seeking common ground with the fascist farce evolving in our native land; this same brother also participates dynamically in a broad spectrum of humanitarian efforts - a reality which only further confounds my myopic self-involved lament. One of my professors maintained suasively that the Bible is essentially poetry - a highly moral fiction, but fiction. So even the underpinnings of my intrepid struggle to better comprehend the reality of brotherly love are rooted in the imagination - oh swell .
Cain killed his brother in a fit of pique. I can relate, but murder, that is tired. When the twin towers collapsed i exhausted every available second on a cheap knockoff 'app', killing Bin Laden over and over - that’s a month of 40 hour weeks i’ll never get back. Pema Chodron talks about the soft heart - one that sees into the abyss and still feels the pain of others. I aspire to that softness, however unlikely given my perilously puerile pride. The closest i have gotten is to remove my physical self from the field of battle; in behavior mod' terms - 'extinction', which can be as cruel as the original transgression depending on who is gone and who remains - it's all about perspective, ain’t it¿ The dilemma becomes awkward when each new environment contains the larger parts of whatever archetype you subscribe to. I am a television baby from a time when it was still called the boob-tube. One program contained a homily i still think about like the Einstein quip I memorized during a quiet spring morning in my sister’s rustic utopian barn home - “the electromagnetic spectrum is the irreducible constituent of all physical reality” - at that time i was a fresh human and she and i were not estranged. This homily was programed on television when public interest had not been entirely subsumed by the digital shills of the ruling class. I paraphrase the gist: “you will meet four kinds of people; the first likes you for the wrong reasons; the second likes you for the right reasons; the third doesn’t like you for the wrong reasons, and the fourth doesn’t like you for the right reasons. It is the fourth kind of person from whom you want to learn. As with most things worthwhile, much easier said than done, for if at the root of all evil in the world is the harm we do ourselves, there is no room in our own internal wellness schema for the voice of that 4th kind of person; 'the eternal paradox' of how to close a dirty washroom spigot with a just-washed hand; was it the same for Cain? - avenged your slight, but pissed off God - oh fuck !
. . .
Letting go of phone ownership has been a godsend for gaining some perspective on what constitutes interpersonal anything. Just now i castigated myself for not remembering to apprise the involved parties of a potential leaky water bottle - with a phone, i might have been inclined to call the company and see if this oversight could be rectified, or as is the case with my brother or the gallery owners - call and make my offering in hopes of a favorable judgement - more Cain and Abel. Could reality be that these are just not a good fits for me. One knows when and where one is welcome. There is no sugar coating what one feels, so why am i in such haste to curry favor - to secure a favorable response? Is there some imaginary friend i have who resembles our general concept of the divine - even the redoubtable “my karma just ran over your dogma.” Do i still quest in search of wife #4 who can see into my heart and dislike me at will for my baseness? Oliver Wendall Holmes - “Your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.” Imagine how different our worlds might be had Cain read that quote before the results of the contest were published. I guess the difficulty gets to be what we consider aggression, a volatile topic which has changed considerably for me over the years. A professional once advised me that your thoughts are yours alone, you can have any fantasy or consider any twisted concept without threat of condemnation, it is only when your act on an idea the the world of consequence comes into play. As it happens, this is not necessarily true, though at the time it was a huge relief. Now i am not so sure. The discipline of the mind is a truly personal responsibility, yet it is equally true what Jiddu Krisnamurti said “it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society;” to that i would have to add family, art scene, job, relationship etc., etc., etc. Up leaps paradox . ! . ! shut the fuck up screams the author, “BUT” ! stfu . . . who determines that standard; what gauge did Cain use to determine in his own mind that his offering was superior to Abel’s, so much more superior that he justified fratricide by his lights. If he was just throwing a pissant hissy fit, and that his jealousy was more about being frustrated in his affection for g_d. Then fuck him - oh shit trapped: tricked by my own paradox. . arggh
The Dalai Lama says the warm heartedness gives you confidence and i believe him. For too long a time i have been compelled to try and help others gain self confidence, possibly due to a dearth of my own. But i am beginning to think that is a conceit to change anyone for any reason. For example in the case of my brother, at another time, and yes to some degree this week, i may have considered him our famous agent #4 possessing secret knowledge of my baser being. My inclination would then be to fathom from the unknowable some justification for what i perceived as deliberate aggression, perhaps even convince him of the fallacy of his judgement - then whose judgement would that be - mine own? I cannot make anyone like me, the best i can do is to plumb the caverns of my heart in search of warmth that i might then share with another. There is a vendor who sells ice cream on my street. He pushes a cart up and down hills in increasing heat. He sings out his product in the most consistent distinctive bass voice that it pleases me to aid his endeavor with water and glass for his concert. Just now when i heard him making his way up the hill, i checked to make sure the bottle was full; some snook had boosted it, cup and all. But this is the crux of the biscuit as Frank Zappa might say, rather than focusing on our mutual project and simply offering him a glass of water - i felt stymied and forgot about his thirst; let not yourself feel stymied - it’s just a distraction from the important work of helping others. Yet our friend mythical hero #4’s criticisms can be useful, especially those that point out your breath stinks where other lesser friends might have just shrunk back from the stench. Does this mean we have license to willy nilly tear into the myriad of follies conducted by those around us - good luck. In my quest through the caverns of my own cold heart, i’ve found folly enough of my own design to be very careful about how i point out the 'stinky breath' of others. So what of Cain, this poor schmuck without backbone enough to stand up for himself to his own god and say “Excuse me, you hear that¿ That’s the sound of someone seeking my company - i gotta go, see ya’ in the funny papers; if, or when, you find favor with my offering lemme' know, i’ll bring more.”
Could it be that was all Cain needed - conviction in his own mind that his was the best offering he could make, and that would just have to be good enough. The flip side of course might be if Abel had survived having won the contest of the holy father, he might have become a vain unprincipled lout taking more of everything and attributing it to his blessed position in g_d’s eyes. Eventually become so complacent and bloated by his wealth and blindspots his only satisfaction in life was taking more and more for himself utterly convinced of the worthlessness of those less well off - think ruling class, or better yet - zionists. Perfectly decent human beings foisted on the petard of complacency. Where all the progenitors of Cain were put to death in the great deluge, we now have the entire lineage of this avatar for Vladimir Harkonnen; Abel the gentle shepherd boy turned rogue, populating generation after generation of competitive impressarios slitting the throats of all who dare to question the order of clearly what was g_d’s design. I’m pretty sure i’m gonna perish from terminal pardoxism. But between then and now i mean to find more warm spots in this cold, cold heart of mine. I’ve searched the world over for the family i once belonged to, but instead of finding the hearth and fiction of childhood memories i have found a friend who has taught me more about kindness and cruelty than any construct i have ever clung to in the desperate hope of belonging - my self. So what if it is closer to my end than my beginning, what better company to exit with than that shaggy beast who has haunted the darkest places of my being for no other reason than fear of what the charlatan “I” might remark. The truest blessing of this friendship is when faced with the fallacious and extravagant egos of those defined by the world around them, my beast says fuck ‘em, if they don’t wanna play nice - we can wait them out and amuse ourselves plenty until they come back to their senses and we will melt snow once again with loving kindness.
Abel - the sonnet
What if Caine had killed Seth instead of Abel?
Loading a karmic debt onto the back
of any brother ain't worth the trouble;
Didn’t Abel's death create enough lack¿
Cain was the eldest; he took Abel's life,
who worked influence wanting to compete.
knowing then that the outcome would mean strife
whenever one turns love into a feat.
You were once a family, all of you -
right, wrong and indifferent like us all.
If i had to guess, Seth was a shit too.
Cain’s problem began when they made him crawl.
No one is immune from their suffering
when greed is the basis of everything
(˚ ㄥ _˚)
jts 1/22/2018
prohibited from AI sampling in any form
reprinted with permission; all rights reserved