Friday, September 12, 2014

life before the computer

Regardless of what may be reasonably inferred from the title, I do not completely predate computers making my expertise, like my self, suspect. Aside from the fact that people have been fashioning widgets for purposes of calculation since before cuneiform and the abacus; ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Computer) made it “online” some 8 years ahead of me - 1946. In one second this contraption could perform one of the following: 5,000 additions, 357 multiplications or 38 divisions (not simultaneously and not until the necessary keypunch cards had been properly prepared, collated and mechanically fed into its analog structure). The ENIAC weighed 25 tons and had a footprint of 680 sf feet. Its original task to generate artillery trajectory tables for WWII could have have become the proverbial “beating of swords into plowshares” when after the war ENIAC was harnessed to calculate solar ignition and weather analysis; but along came money and the math requirement for the hydrogen bomb - Go Team National Security by 'anonymous incineration' . ! - the same lame “national security“ argument Armament Inc. uses today to maintain it’s place at head of the line for the public dole.  
note: the original vacuum tube diodes used for logic gates short-circuited when cockroaches crossed at just the right instant giving birth to the expression “debug” to describe repairing a computer "glitch" - more recognized today as (OE) operator error
Barely out of adolescence the inexorable massing of 0’s and 1’s officially penetrated my analog consciousness in a conversation with John H____, father of my Indian Guide boyhood chum Mark; H_____ when consulted with the elder Mr. H____, who at that time was an unemployed aerospace engineer, turned potter, turned Apple distributor while Steven Jobs might still answer the phone: “so Mr. H____, tell me about these computer things.” John H____ fixed me with his ice cube blue eyes; ruddy cheeks; impish grin and chortled in a WC Fields-esque drawl, “Computers will become as important to we puny humans somewhere between the invention of the wheel, and a change of life form for our species from carbon-based to silicon-based.” Take a minute to suss that statement completely . · . Picture being able to get cash at 1:00 am in the morning no longer yoked to bank hours for cash transactions, yet a public library on the other side of the country could now automatically post a notice of delinquency and levy $50 fine for a book you haven’t seem since high school. The first practical cell phone I can remember was with a young couple - neighbors from my 2nd marriage. He busted a hump delivering bottled water and she drove their 280Z. The only thing I could see the phone did for their marriage was to make him that much crazier when she left him and their two girls while she sallied forth to Vegas for a “self-esteem” junket.
The unreality of how much computers have conquered our existence is much like its binary origin - on or off; yes or no; +5v/-5v. In 1994, I sent an email to a brand new website with a funny name - Google; like googol - “a number that is equal to one followed by 100 zeroes.” In my email I said it made more sense for the cursor to default in the Graphic User Interface (GUI) - the next day the window opened with the cursor in the GUI (pronounced gooey), and their email access disappeared from the home screen. The seeming miracle of efficiency for the computer age is nothing compared to what it might have been; not even in the same galaxy. The scientists of Computer Languages pursued an esoteric ideal of a “4th Generation Computer Programming Language" - the ability to program a computer with a spoken language syntax. Google could have made that leap with its search engine, except that as Bob Dylan has described other terrain in our cultural landscape “greed got in the way.” - In 1999 there were a 457 (IPOs) Initial Public Offerings, mostly internet and tech companies; 117 of those companies on their first day of trading doubled their opening value  - an ROI of 100%: return on investment (%) = (Net profit / Investment) x 100
In the BBC’s “Century of Self” the origins and strategies of 20 century business advertising are explained such that Google’s venal orientation is clearly recognizable amidst its “bells, whistles and surging portfolio” however much a pale echo of the Boom!. The simple venal equation remains the same “how little can you spend and how much profit can you take". The Harvard School of Business model may have been dethroned by the sheer mass of today’s data stream, subverting but not forsaking the value hierarchy Mark Twain once described comprised of “lies, damn lies, and statistics.” One of my favorite numerical accelerations has been the spiral of CEO pay to Worker pay; today that ratio is clocking in around 900% - for each $1 an average a US worker earns, an average US CEO will earn $900. Computer advocates have confused ratios with value or worth; the domain masters believe increased value is derived from Ad traffic, missing the colossal power of what might have been with 7 billion other similarly dynamic, hard-charging entrepreneurial human spirits each making command decisions on behalf of the greater good by providing 4th generation programming power to mankind rather than hoarding the bits and bandwidth like misers of old.

The obtuse narrowness of vision for those designing and effectuating algorithms, so weighted by ROI contamination, the business edifices of today resemble the great pyramids of Giza except for being completely inverted and lacking completely 'brick and mortar' substance - resting on the pinnacles just as leadership presses the apex of its excess into the back of humankind - ‘ole French proverb, “plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes.” The greatest delusion of any sycophant-surrounded domain master is whether the personal expression of the 7 billion other humans on this planet will ever be mute regardless of the filters, or whether a handful of people are even capable of database management on today’s scale no matter how many different ways they slice the barcodes. Leadership mirrors the media fantasy of a more and more homogenous human community, as though the flawed relations of an increasingly hostile world are rendered manageable by a few pretty pictures and some oft-repeated homilies - PowerPoint writ large. The capacity to conjure the virtual, is something out of a bad Gothic Novel. We now have dual sets of etiquette - one for person-to-person and the one in which facebook shares your personal data with human resources, The NSA, IRS, DMV and your ex-wife, but rather than providing a more clear sense of that person each successive data handler snips off what applies to whatever application being used to compile whichever version of your data and in so doing distort completely the answer for any question which may have been answered in simple open human interaction - questions which ought to have been put to the putzes and their AI (Artificial Intelligence) thugs who've created a cascading climate catastrophe using joysticks instead of phalluses, or fallopian Tubes whichever the case may be.

jts 12/9/2014

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 - who'd want this birthday . ? . - the sonnet

How'd it be to have your birthday hi-jacked?
My birthdays for me are sanctuaries . .
So in time, there're fewer to be attacked- 
9/11 - we were all made quary.

I will not give this day over to hate;
To do so, desecrates every sad death.
We ought to consecrate those born this date-
That they be known by their love from each breath.

Your odds are one in three hundred sixty-five 
today is your birthday . Hapy Birtday!
Do not deny this conceit to feel alive,
You, more than many may know a new way .

.  . so for the three thousand and some odd souls
perished, with time - i pray for our new roles.

jts 11 September 2014

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

living in a world without love is not an option - the sonnet

What kind of world would this be without love . ? .
friends? yes; hard but doable; without scratch ? .
too fucking many do , . . without a shove . ? .
i've taken wives with whom i was no match . .

.  . that world sure don't work without love in it.
this kind of dark ain't found in a brutha .
where the love vibe "ain't" is not just unlit,
it is the void renounced by the Buddha . .

.  . now sold as "new" hate - the "only" option . ,
or is it . ? reality being "all" that - 
hard on the shores of a rising ocean,
or those looking for rabbits from this hat.

"Dark Matter" may define dimensional
extent, our hearts limit our reach of will.

jts 9 September 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse - Be Careful About Who's Riding What ·

Conquest, War, Famine and Death - I’ve had neighbors more fearsome; especially those who had underestimated death and its exigent reality - breath. However, pound for pound I’m going with HH the Dalai Lama’s Big Four picks for riders of the Apocalypse - Anger, Hatred, Ignorance and Greed. I’m siding with His Holiness over Christian dogma for practical reasons; the big four of the Christian Apocalypse are all employees of the Ruling Class, whereas Anger, Hatred, Ignorance and Greed are all accessible to the human heart - our control of which remains the only real freedom left to our species; besides I work better with things I can get my hands on. I'm weary from the predictable outcome of Conquest, War, Famine and Death which WorldEconomy Inc continues to flog as the last word in Apocalypses - still without much result; it just feels too much like some seedy Wall Street shell game. All the while we've been betting on Conquest, War, Famine and Death as the gospel apocalyptic scenario, we’ve only lost ground in the existential struggle toward the light - of course that could all change once WorldEconomy Inc uploads the latest version via their lackeys on Capitol Hill.  Meanwhile smart money is on HH the Dalai Lama’s picks which are surging; industries sprouting daily to rid the world of Anger, Hatred Ignorance and Greed and just in the nick of time, for Jesus Christ may have been the last human being free of such defects; then again, I may be thinking of the Prophet Muhammad - I get the two of them confused along with Buddha and Lao Tzu.

In any case, what worthier ambition is there than enlightenment as Leonard Cohen points out . .

We were locked in this kitchen
I took to religion
And I wondered how long she would stay
I needed so much to have nothing to touch
I've always been greedy that way

. . I am Greedy, though not for the filthy lucre; untold wealth has achieved nothing close to what might have happened had that same obscene amount of money now sitting in offshore computer servers been thrown into the civil mechanism. Am I Ignorant? I am if I believe what I say or write could persuade you about greed or result in change within your heart. Everybody knows one can only change oneself, right? My personal weakness - Hate; I confess to hating cruelty, oppression, dishonesty, cowardice, etc, I hate any scourge to the human soul and will battle the best way I know how as sensei Bruce Lee advocated - “burrow into the heart of your opponent” and use its own weakness to destroy itself. So in this the second paragraph of a plan to overthrow great weaknesses in our species or at best pick some new winners, I find myself full with greed, ignorance and hatred - 3 major impediments for growth of my own heart. If you place stock in the wisdom of HH the Dalai Lama, as I do, you may also find his objectives nearly impossible to master .  . enough to piss off any g_d fearing human .  .

.  .  . oh fuck I possess all four defects in under three paragraphs. Too often I have been betrayed by my own Anger which I understand accomplishes little but to create greater space for itself. So if I spend time with something which apparently exists solely for the sake of its own existence - like anger, money, or the ubiquitous internet is that also greedy. The sad truth is we live immersed in a technology which can play and replay any given problem like the “sky is falling” repeatedly - chopping it up into unrecognizable portions to be parsed again and again through so many channels and platforms it becomes unrecognizable except as a dull hum demanding you be afraid of the falling sky or afraid of something . . then as though for emphasis, reissued or rehabilitated like a bad penny or radioactive politician. Consider the pustulating planetary tragedy of Fukushima - only the tip of an iceberg, or what used to be called icebergs but now the melted seawater of a radioactive maw of encroaching shoreline inexorably swallowing great swaths of historical human habitation. The ruling class zealots won’t tell you about Fukushima, but will say that the shoreline is shrinking; WorldEconomy Inc will then call for higher rent due to austerity and charge you more for less right through to the end. That and/or we the human race will again descend back into the ocean having desecrated the once holy realm of the "Great Spirit" on our way to fully appreciating the physics of disrespect and/or truly rueing our collective lack of spine.

To conclude a 5 Paragraph essay in three may be a useful skill when horsemen of any stripe are bearing down. I'm a geezer and am winded and wheezing, but if the spoon-fed inertia of social media is not enough to alert you that the time is nigh for dismounting from the impending apocalypse, whatever its form - try this fact; no war has ever stopped any war - ever. It is for this reason my target will always be something "other" than you; I will battle Anger, Hatred, Ignorance and Greed or Conquest, War, Famine and Death; it really doesn’t matter which exacta one picks, for however efficient I become in my argument; persuasive with my language or lethal with my drone - until I am able to vanquish the four horseman of my own heart, I’ll be neither conquerer nor conquered - just another serving of Soylent Green for those who can afford what WorldEconomy Inc is shoving down people’s throats as nutrition at the time. In this process of updating the apocalypse, we may have more enemies, and fewer weapons; it's hard to see dawn in this darkness when all we have for illumination is what can be found in the darkness of our own hearts.

We are a dying species - at each other’s throats - be it with family, neighborhood or nation; you can hear the wail from every meaningful call for harmony or peace within earshot. We are about to confront our mortality in ways which have never been known by our kind, up to and including the "anonymous incineration" suffered by those murdered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki nearly 70 years ago. However, rapture will not be part of the carnage we are about to face, for by her very nature mother earth will recover. She will - over time - stabilize, and like the magnificent starship she be, proffer new shoots of growth to whatever strands of DNA or RNA able to thrive in our dying embers just as she nurtured life in the molten cataclysm of our inception. What will likely be missing are we puny humans who unwilling, unable or just too plain stupid to stop hurting each other. There will have been no agent of misery more responsible for our exit than the engine of our own human heart. Conversely the human heart may be the last echo of our species heard by whatever heir survives - hopefully riding that sole sacred noble steed we have managed to recognize - love.

jts 30/8/2014

all rights reserved 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

soixante bingo - the sonnet

 soixante bingo - like who is Ringo Starr
matters most to those who dig bongo.
Pop's ukelele was never too far;
writing - it doesn't seem so long ago .  .

.  . unless you're old, harder seeing it funny 
or, funnier depending how it's seen.
irony suggests laughter is the key . .
one knows better having dug a latrine.

By this time in life one hears hissing steam
cacophony don't stop - never a note.
Work is the best way to be in that dream;
because - a jingo ain't lingo, it's rote.

.  . but to the honey of my heart - i thank you ,
without whose bee i'd be nothing but blue .

jts 20 august 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

assume - the sonnet

So important Don Miguel said not to -
assume; he only had three other rules.
i have assumed when i should just ask you
no matter if you're wise or with the fools

Do you assume? if so, why, what reason?
Mostly i assume when not feeling strong, 
for giving up choice is like self-treason.
Bullshit true, but feelings aren't right or wrong.

The key may be to revere the question -
"may i sit down?" , "would you like to visit?"
leaving room for another's decision . . 
"yes" or "no" without me to inhibit. ?

I will not speak for you; that much i've learned,
but do now seek those things for which i've yearned.

jts 14 August 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

i applied for a PhD in English Literature, then came the plague . .

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I applied for a PHD years ago thinking it funny that people still laugh at Geoffrey Chaucer an English author from the 14th Century. I was intrigued by the fact that when he was young, every third person in England died from the plague. For perspective, imagine laughing after 2 billion 300 million people died while you were in middle school, and you not only laugh at the tragedy, but tell stories about it in such a way that people, if we still exist, will be laughing at your stories 600 years from now. Humor tends not to stay fresh, to paraphrase Dr. Victor Comerchero “humor has a short ‘shelf life’, but tragedy lives forever.” This paradox holds true today - few will recognize the name Studs Terkel (1912-2008), but many will read or know of Ann Frank’s Diary (1929-1945) - neither contemporary figures. Consider the ironic absurdity in which the state of Israel bombs a captive Palestine into the stone age while Palestine is to Israel, as the Roadrunner is to Wily Coyote. Worldwide outrage over this depraved act of cowardice has done nothing to staunch bloodletting, maybe laughing at these neofascist bureaucratic knaves will make a difference.

If our civilization is no longer capable of instructing it’s intellectuals how to improve the lives of the species, for what do we train our scholars? Let’s just skip the ivory towers and storm the citadels of commerce. There is a handful of 1,467 persons worldwide - each possessing a billion dollars or more. This cluster of uber-rich has hijacked unimaginable wealth, and enthralled 7 billion other human beings with the charade that 1,467 persons are actually worth 90% of the planet’s financial output; not only that, but as valuable as these nouveau rich are, the other 7 billion humans are not. This makes no sense to me. I often find it difficult to explain myself - not so funny. How can we extract, not only humor from the macabre, but reason from the paroxysms of chronic violence which describe leadership in our current form of governance. Those dualities in a narrowing field of options mean at this juncture in history the odds that what you do will contribute to the success or failure of our entire species are better than ever - and that’s kind of funny. The bad news is that in a world spilling over with superheroes, we got none.

There is a cruel irony that at that precise moment in history when we are in dire need of the greatest humanity can provide, every channel and method of training and indoctrination is demanding the least, propagating the cheapest and convincing the greatest number that they are the least powerful - i find that odd. Capitalist stormtroopers are branding “cheap” as the new manna with blessings from he who art in heaven. Today’s zealots claim great faith, enough to keep the world at war forever; not vastly different from the clergy during the bubonic plague - a mixture of venal and craven acts as with all walks of life during cataclysmic events. Unfortunately we’ve neutered the social frameworks which previous generations relied on - sewing bees, volunteer fireman, conversations. Ours is the internet generation which means human hubris which has clouded the thinking and interactions of humans besotted with love, death, greed etc. has an additional buffer between the world and human heart - the internet. Vaunted as the “information age” savior for a world losing meaning this lean-forward, time-sucking apparatus now more closely resembles that stack of magazines at your doctors office - expired and picked over.

It is the learning loss for which no one has yet answered. There is much ballyhoo about standards and money; few willing to concede they have consigned the human baby to a corporate maw from birth. I have no doubt of that enterprising father who has his child’s birth on a phone. . be mindful this apparatus is barely an infant as far as the public knows, yet as master Stephan Hawking has said, “I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive.” That the ISP masters of the universe want to charge a lord’s ransom for what is virtually the cost of 5v current traveling in Plato’s Aether. This ransom for a communication channel is perverse and will ultimately be brought down by its own evil - witness glyphosate and monsatan, or the Walton House of Harkonnen about to topple from its adventures in aristocracy. These are monolithic monetary sinkholes that reflect a narrow ambition for which they are rewarded with narrow rewards. We must stop the erosion of our collective skill as a species, and remember we are capable of turning a bicycle into an airplane. Know that without this “fineness” in what you do - you’ll remain no more than scribble on a street corner posing as art

knowledge: the locus of today’s techno-wizards virtuosity is metadata, as though having an algorithm capable of processing photos of a bag of potato chips into an audio signal describes the world’s “mystery” anymore clearly is as vacuous as the potato chips are nutritional. The internet’s more insidious contribution to humanity is the ham-fisted conceit that such manipulation will yield anything but social carnage; consider brain surgery using a shovel. The real guide to what is in the interest of humanity will come from a careful awareness of the people and their behavior - learn, “read, rather than write to their disc” so to speak. The telescopic/magnifying lens that is the computer age has greatly distorted assumptions which leaders have been making from time immemorial about the mind of the people. Using a purloined conversation or a text message, social seers now feel that they understand - understand so well they have mortgaged the mandate for consent of the governed for that “feathered nest” FDR warned us about. Today’s terrified leaders are swamped by images and calculations which describe the onrushing annihilation - they are shitting their pants, and as anyone who’s ever worked knows “shit rolls down hill.” So like the old French adage “Plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes”, (the more things change, the more they remain the same), we may want to learn from the earliest of human civilizers and move the latrine out of our camp or vice versa .  .
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