One would hope that to create an artificial anything, one must first possess an original something. I look out over the horizon and see death, destruction and cruelty - all byproducts of stupidity and ignorance. There are reasons that these injustices persists - it may be that stupidity and ignorance are profitable. I prepared for this essay by reading Wikipedia on “Philosophy of AI,” more specifically to learn whether computers are capable of feeling. But I guess the question really is are those benefitting the most from the world's chaos capable of feeling, for if they possess the resources necessary to fuck the world, they certainly have the ear of those coding for AI. Is it the intelligence of the ruling elite we should be considering, or rather the capacity for critical thinking of the proletariate. As a child from a family of teachers, my bias is toward learning, though the longer i live the more i learn secrecy is the lingua franca of most civil society. My preference for open communication seems sensible on its face, but impractical in practice - unless of course you are insider trading or attempting to suppress land value to your advantage along a proposed commercial corridor. All self-help-touchy-feely papers i read on healthy interpersonal relations suggests candor is the cornerstone of successful interaction - ¿ - I would wager my appointment with Dr. Faustus that there are aspects of development of AI networks that will never become public domain. Yet i am asked to divulge habits, hopes, hindsight and my social security number in order to retrieve my googol password. Though it’s highly unlikely Sir Stephen Hawking was ever interrogated by googol’s AI henchman for his password, Mr. Hawking was still specific in his choice of words - “AI could spell the end of the human race,” but more accurately he advocated wiser integration of AI’s utility. My lament as with the inept randomization of iTunes library is the hierarchical obsolescence that is the de facto commercial design baseline deployed.
My objection is not so much the intrusion of technology, but its lack of interactiveness. When studying computer technology the concept of 4th generation computer language was presented - natural speech capable compiler. The net effect of developing this user based programming capability would make your voice equal to that of jeff bezos within the internet bandwidth - obviously, that didn’t happen. Yes and no - once AI, or its more benign moniker, ai is utilized within the context of available utility resolving climate, ecology, indigenous solidarity and resource distribution equity, there is a glimmer of hope. kurzwell’s conceit to mechanize the human genome is, again in service of no one but those with the keys. Unitization of human isolation is not the same as the joining of humanity. I accept you are not a part of my world and yet - ipso facto - you be. This is different from my responding to a bell attached to my wrist, flickering at +/- 5v hz ad nauseam . _ . _ . _ yet for whatever reason the ai you have deployed returned you back to this post at a pace of your election . If this rises to communication with ai, so be it. Our species is given to communication, ergo dogs folded into the fabric of our tribes, as well as indelible images of prized equine heads in beds of those with whom we might use emphasis in our exchanges. Ai is one dimensional in this regard, able to only tally valence - where that value is derived from a hierarchal input, or horizontally distributed sourced is at the core of any valid discussion regarding ai as a non visceral dimension. Revulsion, fear, fury, lust, grief - are myriad realities that coexist with the human reality - save those ciphers who save only themselves. This exception is noteworthy only to the sociopaths reading. Human reality is mutually exclusive from the capacity of ai to render service as it exists today - the profit motive underlying all keystroke capture is parasitic rather than salubrious. Reorientation of ai’s utility in service of general human welfare is possible, but best design practice would utilize a 4th level language input resident within horizontal distribution platform to source criteria for ai coding, with an emphasis on rugged wraparound architecture.
Ricky R______ is East L.A.’s reply to mr. m.t.suit. Mr. R_____’s favorite expression was “it’s gonna happen.” That this not so innocent observation, correlates to a dawning certainty that my habitation will change is beyond fathoming for ai. If there 4th level language compilers interfacing with ai within the warp and woof of commercial nodes. Today’s ai morality is modeled on the sociopaths that disproportionately occupy the HNWI (high net worth individual) strata. My middling bandwidth today is little different than the bugger at the gate begging alms for oh so long, not so long ago. Because - bear with me - there are six voices (CEO’s - major media corps - public record) that speak to 96% of the internet, whatever percentage is left, is shared between 7 billion of us within which to express ourselves and learn of the larger reality. It’s nonsense that 7 billion human pay to listen to 6 voices - that’s crazy. I’ve met a lot of people and would love to maintain contact outside of data poaching sites; however, to not own a phone is liberating in a way that is difficult to explain, but i’ll try. My last wife and i lived in a loft off of abandoned train tracks. It was fun, but i too remember the puzzlement of pulling a TRS-80 out of a paper bag, then hooking a landline phone to a modem to generate tones indicating acceleration onto the “informational super hwy”. We didn’t yet own cell phones, but soon. Craigslist was the single site i could load that deciphered. I did not grock DOS which was the os du jour. It’s dreadful to realize the shrinking number of humans never having known life without siri. There’s a lot of chatter about deep learning, but the equivalent would be one of those indiced webpages which i certainly shamelessly hustle to gain a seat amongst the 7 billion sharing what’s left when those 6 voices are not droning on and on and . . . i wonder if some wisenheimer ai coder took John Lennon at face value and translated his cannon into ai libraries, him and Bob Dylan. Trojan Horse of sorts - the AI Death Star infused with the logic of “Imagine”, and “Masters of War,” etc, etc
Early coding ethos evinced such cheery homilies such as Garbage in / Garbage out (GIBO), or the ever favorite morphism “do no evil” to “do know evil”, and my personal favorite “move fast and break things” to “Gabba the Hut - does the Beltway.” I’ll be curious to learn if weaves it’s way into ai logic. Much hay is made about the insatiable appetite for data AI requires for its “deep learning” - doesn’t seem so efficient a system when you think about it. These 6 voices are paid by 7 billion people to provide an efficient method for the exchange of information between those same 7 billion people, and to add insult to injury, that same 7 billion people pay, again for the privilege of watching whatever those 6 voices decide would be good for me to see. Well this task just proved too difficult that AI was conjured from the muck to rescue humanity from itself. The product they are charging the 7 billion for the privilege of viewing is culled from a vast accumulation of data you have provided the 6 voices. Rather than acknowledge their product is little more than a caricature, they are forced to sell. There is no free market, you buy what is served, never knowing that your own expression is much richer and finely textured than any hackneyed version their screen jockeys can conjure. More practically speaking charging coming and going is bad business practice. Were ai given a benign responsibility to serve the electricity to which entropy claims us all, we may have provided the extent to which we were useful from an entirely hierarchical perspective. Taking the more traditional view that trees are a bounty, the land does not belong to us - we belong to the land, and that the pursuit of happiness is an inalienable right of every human being alive, yet born, or never to be. What if in some bizarro universe i’m the ai whisperer and like some genie in lore the petal of light humans can be has left a thread in ai? stranger things have happened.
If as the song said “aI reigned over judgement day,” i’d be curios to learn how ai explains that feeling. One can to an extent be inured to providing non-compensated date to the AI gullet, by reflecting the hook. computers are a binary system at core which no amount of scaling will resolve. Analog vs digital almost echoes the question of wavelength or particle. I maintain that it is the inefficiency of the AI modeled as deployed is more clusterfuck than expertise or best business practice, “business” defined as compassionate survival of life on earth. That is the will of the people, no one supports the stories and fictions about pinnacles or winnable wars. There is a great collective wisdom within the 7 billion that must be heard. Using ai to facilitate and collate as many stories directly from the subject as can be done is a practical accumulation of the human experience as any data driven computer model which is to civilization what “Moneyball” was to baseball. How would you translate the feel of grass on your feet after 3 hours of hotly contested 9-year old baseball on the first day of summer vacation into ai - this given there is no 4th generation computer available with which to communicate with ai, that is if AI even gives a fuck what i think. We have fake leaders, corporations as persons - why not AI faking itself as my friend. I got friends that fake as friends - why not an algorithm? I believe people should be empowered in every way they can. To encourage the human potential rather than constrict, regulate and program is to denude the essential quality of being human - the apprehension of our own demise. Will i have surrendered and be spoon fed my media fix as my decrepit frame settles into its bedsores. As it stands that is the extent of this miracle of technology aids me like manna from heaven; guiding me into the flickering screen, or was that, live giving light - the line is beginning to blur.
By definition, artificial intelligence can never understand what pain is, and thereby grasp how it would be wrong to inflict; ergo ai is of dubious value to humanity·:
pain - a sonnet
pain cannot be defined by algorithm,
though they often inflict much destruction.
Feeling is not a code but a rhythm
pulsing it’s own story from its inception.
wounds are much-liked winter meat, nutritious
the echoes of one’s learning can inform
all growth when purging the egregious.
All demons are made friend in proper form.
As it is busy, pain welcomes the rest
resuming only when and if ready.
Nor does pain have a need to build a nest
happy as nought with a new remedy.
from as little as 'ah' know about pain,
it always goes unless asked to remain.
jts 07/30/2018
prohibited from AI sampling in any form
reprinted with permission; all rights reserved
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